Armin Winkler

Hi Simon,

Thanks for the videos. Nice progression over the 3 videos. Definite success identifying the laser and using it to find direction. 

Your dog's enthusiasm in the first video is a little low, but it improves in the others. I don't know him so you are in a better position to judge whether he's working close to his best drive or motivation level. I always want the most I can get from my dogs, and gauge very carefully whether what I ask or demand from them affects that motivation level.  By that I mean, if he chases the ball in a full gallop when he is running free and playing, but then goes to a trot or walk when sending him to a ball from a down, then the down may affect him in a reducing way. And it would benefit you both to improve that.  

Keep it up, it looks like you are progressing in the concept.

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simon chapman

Thanks for your feedback, yes he is normally enthusiastic to get his ball, but I think you are right about the down position, I’ll try a sit or stand and see if that works better.
Thanks again
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